Re: udp packet storms - ping death

Jas (matt@uts.EDU.AU)
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 00:58:58 +1000 (EST)

Darren Reed wrote this...
> There is/was a patch for this, I don't recall what number...someone else...
> and most likely Sun have rolled this into 4.1.3_U1 (don't you wish they
> would roll a 4.1.4 and just be done with it ?  And move all those damn
> security fixes that have gone into Solaris2 into SunOS 4 - some of us
> _hate_ svr4 and the new kernel architecture - not very easy to customize
> or configure/optimize the kernel at all!).
eh? with solaris you an load/unload drivers and modules on the fly and
configure the kernel _while_ it is running. this you ant do with sunos,
also the svr4 kernel is far more scalable than the sunos one. the case isnt
that solaris kernels are harder to configure, its that they are different.
if you really want to compare the two kernels read the following two books
"The Magic Garden Explained" by Berny Goodheart, also "BSD Internals" (i
think not sure of the author) it is published by Addison Wesley, it has a
picture of a little devil on the front (i havea copy of the former and have
read the latter but dont have a copy as yet).



	Matthew Keenan
	Systems Programmer		 Information Technology Division
	University of Technology Sydney			       Australia

	phone:	+61 2 330 1390		"Don't murder a man who is about
	fax:	+61 2 330 1999		to commit suicide."
	home:	+61 2 416 5722		-- Machiavelli

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